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Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #11: Christmas gift from... Lavry? by Romy the Cat on 2005-12-24 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: A littlie D-War: Bidat vs. Lavry Gold in Didital Things  14 Replies 
Hm, some very mysterious things are going on today similar to the observance of the Bethlehem star… :-) I was commenting before that Lavry 924 is very slightly brighter then I feel a neutral peace of equipment should be. Once again it is not HF disg...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #3: I hope its not too late ... by joaco on 2011-01-21 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Tube outputted CDP's and DAC's in Didital Things  3 Replies 
[quote user="KLegind"] Is it possible to squeeze more out of the 16/44 format with a tubeoutput? [/quote]I don´t think so , even with a very good quality tubeoutput analog stage (pre section) on a CD-DAC introduce too much coloration and disto...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #6: Just me and a keyboard and a cup of coffee... by op.9 on 2016-06-02 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: My Audio Philosophy in Playback Listening  95 Replies 
[quote user="Amir"]I listened one time (just one time) to master tape (revox reel).micro harmonic was so better than dCS Elgar (digital source) and it was better in micro dynamic. i did not tested good DSD in a good DAC vs good analog but in micro li...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #54: Vox Olympian Audition by de charlus on 2013-06-10 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Living Voice Loudspeaker in Horn-Loaded Speakers  80 Replies 
Recently, I was fortunate enough to have an extended listening session with the Living Voice Vox Olympian outside of a show environment. Since said listening session took place upon a boat – moreover, a wooden-bodied boat – under what can only be sai...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #4: Correction: EMM Lab DAC-transport. by Romy the Cat on 2005-10-22 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Wilsons, EMM, Ozawa, Saint-Saens and... in Audio Discussions  4 Replies 
[quote user="Romy the Cat"]Well, there was also an interesting positive moment during this trip. The guy has three of more D/As. It was Audio Research played model 3, the newest DCS and newest Meitner’s EMM transport/DAC. The first two were quite ord...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #9: My View by Amir on 2016-06-04 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: My Audio Philosophy in Playback Listening  95 Replies 
[quote user="op.9"] Amir wrote:I listened one time (just one time) to master tape (revox reel).micro harmonic was so better than dCS Elgar (digital source) and it was better in micro dynamic. i did not tested good DSD in a good DAC vs good analog but...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #11: Best hardware with best software by el`Ol on 2008-03-23 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: About the DAW playback software. in Didital Things  10 Replies 
[quote user="Romy the Cat"]  el`Ol wrote: Sorry for being so nasty, Romy,but I meant connecting the CEC TLO with the Lavry 924 via the dCS 974. I do not see you being nasty, where did you get this from?[/quote]Sorry, la...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #10: The cost of the right-sounding Bidat. by Romy the Cat on 2008-04-10 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: The Museatex Bidat pages. in Didital Things  57 Replies 
[quote user="Telstar"] Out of curiosity, how much does a Bidat costs nowadays and the Wright mods?[/quote] This is very interesting question and I had a conversation with John Wright about it a few days ago. He asked me the same question: what the B...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #36: Right drivers first by Murataltuev on 2015-08-17 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Another time aligned 5-way horn project in Horn-Loaded Speakers  189 Replies 
[quote user="Romy the Cat"]Do not worry, you won’t be happy with your new speakers as well. It is a little dirty secret that no one told you yet: speakers do not give happiness. [/quote]In my case only speakers can give me happiness, because with e...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #1: A littlie D-War: Bidat vs. Lavry Gold by Romy the Cat on 2005-12-18 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: A littlie D-War: Bidat vs. Lavry Gold in Didital Things  14 Replies 
The regular readers of my audio blog probably have read the thread: “How to record FM broadcasts” at: As you know I turned into to do it digitally and I do like it quite a lot. A couple months ...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #1: Wilsons, EMM, Ozawa, Saint-Saens and... by Romy the Cat on 2005-10-02 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Wilsons, EMM, Ozawa, Saint-Saens and... in Audio Discussions  4 Replies 
... other salad of dairies during the “Lost Saturday”…. Morning… Clark Johnson pitched a few days ago the Dino Ciani’s Beethoven sonatas… The Ciani’s Beethoven is unquestionably wonderful but...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #22: Shedding some light by manisandher on 2009-04-22 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: The BSO and Digital Music. in Didital Things  44 Replies 
I've just received a really interesting email from Mark Donahu,  Chief Mastering Engineer at Soundmirror. I really appreciate his taking time to reply to my query - they're obviously a decent bunch of guys there...PS. Sorry if this post is full of sm...
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